Random Maintenance Checkups

Short-term random check-ups involve a few things such as checking for the headlights, turn signals, brake, parking lights, oil and filter, oil and coolant levels, air filter, etc.

It is also advised to proceed with long-term checkups to check the condition of transmission fluid, spark plugs, serpentine belt front, rear differentials, etc.

So you should proceed with checking all these components from time to time without even encountering the issue. Do not wait for something bad to happen.

Let’s understand more about the inspection of the components that require regular checkups.

Oil and coolant levels

A low level of ether can lead to engine problems. So you should particularly look for the gas fill-ups before going on long road trips.

Tire pressure and tread depth

To maintain a fuel-efficient ride, you should not only check your car tire regularly but also seek the help of a professional in checking your overall tire pressure. It will cost you even only a few pennies but pay you in the long run.

Oil and filter

Oil and filters play a vital role in the lubrication of the moving parts and keep the engine cool. It is advisable to change your engine oil every 5,000 to 10,000 miles.

Waxing of vehicle

If you wax your vehicle every six months, not only will your vehicle remain shiny but environmental factors (ozone, UV) will also not be able to affect the shine of the car.

Transmission fluid

Without the optimum transmission functionality, you can not enjoy the good performance of your car. It is advised to change your transmission fluid every year, even if it has not caused the problem.

Battery performance check

Extreme weather conditions negatively impact the performance of the car battery. Regular battery testing will keep you safe from any sudden issues.

Switch your tires in winter

If you are facing winter driving conditions, you should change tires as seasonal car maintenance. In short, if you regularly check your car for maintenance which simply means checking your car at least every three months, you can enjoy the optimum performance and avoid costly repairs. Along with the above-mentioned checkpoints, you should also pay close attention to checking engine lights, exhaust, fuel filters, hoses, steering fluids, and

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